Tuesday, October 18, 2011

sweet addie lou

Some new favorite pics of our precious babe from our fav photographer...

Sunday, October 16, 2011

i like big butts...

Addie is officially out of her newborn cloth diapers and on to her adjustable ones that she will wear until she's potty trained....of course, they're adjusted to be as small as they can be right now which makes her little baby butt extra puffy!  I cannot lie...I love it!

Daddy gets home today!  Whoo Hoo!  Check back for pics of Addie & her daddy soon to come!

Monday, October 10, 2011

snuggle bug

Addie is a serious snuggle bug.  Don't try any of that standard baby cradle-hold stuff with her.  She wants to be on your chest....and when she really gets cozy and falls asleep, she totally buries her head in your armpit or elbow.  Grandma Gwen was pretty amazed that she's actually comfortable like this (and that she can breath...I assure you she is and she can)!

Wish I had a picture of when she wakes up from this position because it's pretty darn funny...red, sweaty face and messy baby bangs.  Adorable.

Sunday, October 9, 2011


Since it's almost Halloween, we decided to take a trip to the pumpkin patch with Nana and Gram...well, we actually just decided to go to an awesome garden center since there's not really any pumpkin patches nearby (and Addie's still a little too young to know the difference).

Addie wanted to wear her overalls to get into a pumpkin pickin mood....how cute is her little baby butt in this outfit?!

Addie & Nana posed for a pic outside of the entrance.

She wasn't too sure about the pumpkins at first...

But eventually she liked them.

Now we just have to decide how to carve them!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Whoo Hoo, Gram is here!

Gram got here on Wednesday and boy are Addie & I happy to see her!  She brought these adorable owl PJs for Addie (cuz she knows how much Addie's mommy loves owl stuff)....are those little owls on the feet cute or what?!

happy birthday, brad!

Today is Brad's birthday.  We sure do wish he was here so we could give him some hugs and kisses.  He will have to settle for this video of his babies wishing him a happy birthday....please excuse my absolutely horrible singing....Addie and the puppies haven't quite mastered singing yet so I have to speak for all of us!
**Don't forget to pause the music at the bottom of the page before you play the video (unless you want to mask my singing...which may not be a bad idea!)

We miss you and love you!  See you soon!

Monday, October 3, 2011

feels like fall

We've been having some real deal fall weather here in Virginia...and I am ready for it!  It's given Addie a chance to try out some of her cozy fall clothes.  Lovin this sweatshirt from Nana.

I love that she put her hand in her tiny baby pocket...