Adeliene is 8 months old today!
Some updates....
recent milestones: 2 teeth on the bottom, thinking about crawling - lots of rocking on hands and knees but no forward progress, thinking about standing - can hold herself up if she has her hands on the wall or table
favorite foods: green stuff (loves the peas, broccoli, pears combo), bananas, sweet potatoes, apples, puffs, water - she loves drinking water out of her sippy cup or a straw
*the only food she really doesn't like is peaches!
favorite toys: ball popper, all bath toys, learning puppy
favorite non-toys: iPhones, tv remotes, strings and zippers on sweatshirts, mommy's hair and iPhones - I have to mention it twice cuz she loves it that much
favorite songs: the itsy bitsy spider, patty cake, the snuggle puppy song
I love how she....
sings to herself when she gets sleepy
laughs so hard when she recognizes the beginning of one of her favorite songs
smiles at Louie for no reason at all
gives big time hugs and open-mouth drooly kisses