Monday, March 26, 2012

8 months

Adeliene is 8 months old today!

Some updates....
recent milestones: 2 teeth on the bottom, thinking about crawling - lots of rocking on hands and knees but no forward progress, thinking about standing - can hold herself up if she has her hands on the wall or table

favorite foods: green stuff (loves the peas, broccoli, pears combo), bananas, sweet potatoes, apples, puffs, water - she loves drinking water out of her sippy cup or a straw
*the only food she really doesn't like is peaches!

favorite toys: ball popper, all bath toys, learning puppy
favorite non-toys: iPhones, tv remotes, strings and zippers on sweatshirts, mommy's hair and iPhones - I have to mention it twice cuz she loves it that much

favorite songs:  the itsy bitsy spider, patty cake, the snuggle puppy song

I love how she....
sings to herself when she gets sleepy
laughs so hard when she recognizes the beginning of one of her favorite songs
smiles at Louie for no reason at all
gives big time hugs and open-mouth drooly kisses

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

bathing beauty

Addie got her very first swimsuit a few days ago!  She was really excited to model it for everyone!  It's just coincidence that she was wearing her red cowgirl boot socks that day....but it's a nice touch, don't you think?

Monday, March 19, 2012

great grams and gramps

Adeliene and her great-grams and gramps finally got to meet!  They came for a visit last week and we took advantage of the nice weather and spent a super fun day at the National Harbor with Nana and the Brooks family.

great-grams, nana, mommy & adeliene

Addie loves her greats!  She can't wait to see them again - same goes for her mommy!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

wanted: baby iphone and tv remote

I think it's time to get a real camera.  The iPhone camera isn't working anymore...mostly because Addie is obsessed with the iPhone.  She wants to grab it, play with it, drool on it.  So I get a lot of pics like this now...

So, yes...I have heard all of your recent comments about how the blog hasn't been updatesd since Vday!  Here's a few photos to appease you!  In the meantime, I will start writing letters to Apple to request a baby friendly iPhone....ideally, one that won't break if it gets wet from baby drool!

While we are on the topic of Addie's new favorite things, she is also loving the tv remote.  I think she will probably learn to crawl from trying to get to either the remote or the iPhone.  She literally lunges for both if they are anywhere near her!

But although Addie's interests are clearly becoming more sophisticated, it's good to know some things haven't changed....She still loves a good nap on top of her daddy!