Thursday, June 28, 2012

she crawls, she swings, she climbs

Addie likes to move.  We already knew she liked to swing, but she recently learned a new trick....

She climbs.  Yep, got right up onto her activity table....
"what are you lookin at?"

And stayed to play!

Friday, June 22, 2012

welcome baby Charlie!

Auntie Sarah and Uncle Ryan welcomed their beautiful baby girl, Charlie Erin, on June 18!

Addie can't wait to meet her new baby cousin!  And I can't wait to kiss those sweet chubby cheeks!
Congrats, Sarah & Ryan - give baby C some hugs & kisses from the Wolves until we can get there to do it ourselves!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

happy father's day

A father's day poem from your little girl....

"Why an Addie needs her Daddy"

I'm just a little baby girl
And my name is Addie Lou
And while I'll always need my mommy
I sure need my daddy, too.

He rocks me in that special way
That Mommy can't get right
When I need some extra comfort
Or can't fall asleep at night.

He takes me in the big kid pool
And throws me in the air
Things I think are super fun
But make my mommy scared.

And while I need his love and hugs
And the special way we play
I know I'll need him even more
When I get big one day.

To read to me at bedtime
Then check for monsters under my bed
And, eventually, to tell me not to believe
Every line a cute boy says.

So have a happy Father's Day,
My very special Daddy
Thanks for all the things you do for me
Love, your baby, Addie.

Happy Father's Day to all dadas, grand-dadas, great-grand-dadas & VERY soon-to-be-dadas (Uncle Ryan)!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

hanging out

Spent a lovely morning hanging out with my Baby Cake at the park.

Monday, June 11, 2012

summer fun

The summer heat has officially arrived, so we've been doing a lot more outdoor activities with Baby Cake.  We took a walk to the high school track on Friday afternoon (so Daddy could work out and Mommy, Addie, Louie & Buckley could play in the shade).

Addie enjoying picking the grass and sharing it with Mommy - sweet baby girl!

And she really likes crawling in the grass.  No obstacle could stop her - not even a big Buckley dog!

Then on Saturday, we went to the pool with the B family.  It was Addie's first pool experience!  Would she like it?

She started out lounging in the baby pool with Mommy - she liked it!

Then she played in the baby pool with Daddy - she liked that, too!

And then Daddy wanted to take her in the big pool.  I was pretty nervous - it was really crowded and the water was much chillier - but she had a blast!
The video is really small, so it's tough to see it - but she was smiling & laughing & kicking her little baby legs!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Adeliene at 10 months

Baby Addie Cakes is becoming a little girl...and she does some pretty cute stuff!
The latest updates...

She's not walking just yet, but she's the fastest crawler around!  And she pulls herself up on everything (including Buckley dog).

She thinks it's awesome to share her paci with Mommy, Daddy & Nana - but not with Auntie Sarah - she thought it was really funny to offer stuff to Auntie Sarah but then pull her hand back and giggle as soon as Sarah went for it!  She also likes to share her food with Mommy (especially food that she just took out of her own mouth) - and if I "fake" eat it, she gets made and pushes it back toward me!

Since we're on the topic of food....Addie is an awesome eater!  She tries (and likes!) most everything, from hummus to artichoke to broccoli!

She's really into her pointer fingers.  She's big into pointing at or poking at everything with those fingers.

She is a curious little baby!  Brad thinks that she's just constantly thinking, "WHAT'S THAT?  WHAT'S THAT?" as she grabs for everything in sight!
Yesterday, Addie explored the backyard deck.  Pretty boring, right?  Nope.  Every little leaf, stick, bug, flower and crack in the wood was interesting to her!

Buckley wanted this stick super bad, but he waited so patiently until Addie was done with it!  Good boy, Buckley!