Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Sweet baby Addie has arrived!!

Brad and Rachel are having technical difficulty getting onto the internet from the hospital and we can't go too long without pictures on the blog, so I (Jennifer) happily offered to put some sweet pictures on the blog.

The Wolfe family is doing great and are just loving their new addition.  She is a sweet little thing and loves to sleep and eat already!

Didn't waste any time putting some headbands on her little head.  Handmade by Rachel, you know!!

Lots more to come!


B and E's Nana said...

OOOOHHHHH!!!!!! SHE'S SO BEAUTIFUL!!!! Love the headbands, especially the "A". Grandma/Nana looks very happy also. Congrates to all, can't wait to hold her. XOXO

Anonymous said...

well done !

- nick