Monday, August 1, 2011


You guys probably thought that I totally abandoned the blog, right?  Nope...not abandoned....just a little lower on the "To Do" list now!

Anyway, we are home and focused on keeping our little Addie happy, well fed & rested - which leaves little time for anything else!  I promise to get better about taking and sharing pics (it's just so darn easy to rely on Auntie Jennifer as our photographer)!

Here's a few pics of our precious Adeliene...many more to come!
Adeliene just after her first sponge bath at home.  She definitely did not like the bath, but she did like being wrapped up in her towel and snuggling with daddy afterward!

Daddy & Addie having a serious conversation.


Jennifer said...

Can't wait to see her again. Miss her. Oh, and you guys too (;

stephanie said...

Addie is beautiful! We are so thankful to a baby girl join our family.