Thursday, September 22, 2011

difficult decision

After an extensive photo shoot with my favorite photographer, Jennifer, I am pleased to say that I have finally chosen a photo for Addie's official announcement....but you'll have to wait for that one until the announcement comes!

Choosing the photo has really made me more understanding and appreciative of some of the other baby announcements that I've seen.  You know the ones....the baby is cute and all but you're wondering, "What made them choose THAT photo?"  Well, I will admit that I considered choosing most of the photos posted below...the sillier the face, the cuter I seemed to think it was!

So please enjoy some of Addie's pics that I think are majorly adorable....and hilarious....and, for better or worse, did not make the final cut for the big announcement!
"No pictures please."

How cute are those lips?!  Also a good behind the scenes look at the making of a baby announcement photograph.

I cannot adequately explain in words how much I LOVE this picture!

No comment necessary.

And after all of those silly pics, I will leave you with the runner up.  It was a tough choice.  So precious.


Auntie Sarah said...

OMG-so cute & funny, I can't stand it! Her expressions are ridiculous! Nice job, ladies!

Auntie Sarah said...

We call that face in the tutu pic "the blowfish." I make that face all the time!

The Westforth's said...

I'm loving these pictures!!! Your favorite one is priceless, she is adorable Rach!! Love those lips and her eyes are so you!! I'm so glad that you were able to use the blanket too for the shoot...really well done to Jennifer!! Glad you are enjoying mommyhood!! Lisa