Tuesday, November 29, 2011

little addie lou who, who was no more than two...

Last night, Addie and I watched my very favorite Christmas movie...How the Grinch Stole Christmas...the original...not the crappy Jim Carrey version.

I was super excited to share it with her and I think she really enjoyed it!

Does anyone else see the striking similarity between sweet little Cindy Lou Who and baby Addie Lou Who (Wolfe)?!

the good kind of yelling

Addie recently discovered that it's just as cool to yell when you're happy as when you're mad.  Here she is on a recent morning...her happiest time of day!  Don't forget to pause the music at the bottom of the blog!

happy thanksgiving

We spent this Thanksgiving the same way we've spent the last 8 Thanksgivings...with the Brooks family!  But this year, we had 2 new baby friends, Adeliene & Everett!  Quite the cute couple, no?


Buckley...who just had a birthday on November, 27...and Louie are bestest friends.  How sweet is it that Lou is sleeing on Buckley's fluffy paw?!

Monday, November 21, 2011

hair pulling...yea!

Just wanted to share with everyone how cool it is to see Addie look at something, decide that she wants it, reach out and grab it.  She's totally focused now.  No more random flailing arms and hands that might land on something.

That said, she has been turning that incredible focus on my hair....and pulling....really hard...I'm talking kung-fu grip.

All I can say is "awesome"...and "ouch."

starting to sit...sideways

Addie recently inherited a Bumbo seat from Benjamin & Everett and we were super excited to try it out since Addie has really been trying to sit up lately.

She really likes it...but only once she leans to one side.  She does not like to sit straight up...prefers to lounge a bit.

All that sitting eventually makes a baby girl sleepy.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

jumperoo, tcu & puppies, too

Addie has really been enjoying her Jumperoo.  We have to put a pillow under her feet so she can can reach the ground to jump, but once she gets going, she has a good time!

She's watching some TCU football with her daddy right now.  It's a big game so everyone is sporting their TCU outfits.

Addie is really excited!  She's a big fan already!

Nobody puts baby in the corner....except Brad....she just needed a quick nap.

Then it's back to the game...but in her second TCU outfit of the day (she spit up on the first one)!

Just in case you were worried about our pups cuz you haven't seen a whole lot of pics of them lately, they are just fine....and just as spoiled as ever!

Might as well wrap up this post with a super sweet close up!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

my three ladies (from Brad)

I recently returned from a longer-than-desired trip overseas and what better way to return than to be greeted at the airport by my three ladies – Addie, Rachel, and my mom (Gram). So, I figured I’d take the opportunity to write a quick post about the three of them.

Thank you so much to my mom for coming and staying in Virginia for three weeks. What a comforting feeling it was to know that she was with Rachel to provide some 24/7 support. If I remember correctly, Rachel described having her here as “amazing” and “wonderful.” We already miss her, but we’ll see her very soon for Christmas and Addie’s baptism!!!

Rachel has gone back to work after 12 weeks of maternity leave. It hasn’t been easy for her, but she’s doing a great job handling it…there are a few tears every time she leaves the house, but she doesn’t complain. She is an absolutely phenomenal mother and it’s amazing that Rachel, a notoriously difficult person to wake up, can hear the smallest peep from the baby and she’s wide awake. But not only is Rachel awake, she’s smiling and happy simply to see the baby. It’s amazing to witness how connected and in-sync a mother and baby can be.

Little Addie and I have had quite a bit of time to bond since I’ve been home. Man that girl is adorable!!! In the mornings she is the happiest little baby and she loves to play in her new bouncer. She can roll-over in both directions and is really supporting her weight with her legs. She’s learning to take her bottle and I even have video of her holding her own bottle.   

happy halloween (a little late)

Wow, it's been a while since I've updated this thing!  A few developments since my last post....
*Brad & I are both officially back to work full-time.  I'm still adjusting....it's pretty tough....haven't made it out of the house without tears yet.
*Addie turned 3 months old on October 26!  Some things she loves....smiling (especially first thing in the morning), telling stories in her adorable high pitched baby babble (especially when she's on her changing table), rolling over (both ways now), playing in her jumperoo (pics to come), watching tv (not sure if this makes us bad parents, but she likes the color and movement).
*Gram left...and we really miss her a lot.  Can't wait to see her again at Christmas!

Before Gram left she got Addie these cute Halloween PJs.

We had a Halloween block party in our neighborhood.  It was really cold outside, so Addie went as an owl so she could be all wrapped up in her hooded owl blankie.  Halloween makes baby Addie sleepy.
*This pic looks a little weird because she's snuggled against me (I'm wearing black) and it's dark outside!  But her  little baby owl face is so darn cute!