Thursday, November 3, 2011

happy halloween (a little late)

Wow, it's been a while since I've updated this thing!  A few developments since my last post....
*Brad & I are both officially back to work full-time.  I'm still's pretty tough....haven't made it out of the house without tears yet.
*Addie turned 3 months old on October 26!  Some things she loves....smiling (especially first thing in the morning), telling stories in her adorable high pitched baby babble (especially when she's on her changing table), rolling over (both ways now), playing in her jumperoo (pics to come), watching tv (not sure if this makes us bad parents, but she likes the color and movement).
*Gram left...and we really miss her a lot.  Can't wait to see her again at Christmas!

Before Gram left she got Addie these cute Halloween PJs.

We had a Halloween block party in our neighborhood.  It was really cold outside, so Addie went as an owl so she could be all wrapped up in her hooded owl blankie.  Halloween makes baby Addie sleepy.
*This pic looks a little weird because she's snuggled against me (I'm wearing black) and it's dark outside!  But her  little baby owl face is so darn cute!

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