Saturday, January 28, 2012

six months

Wow!  It's been a really long time since I've updated the blog!  Please accept my apology!

Anyway....Addie Lou turned six months old on January 26th!  Some updates:
Weight:  16lbs 7oz
Length: 25 and 1/2 inches
New food she's enjoying:  rice cereal with bananas
Things she likes to do:  sit up and play with her toys, giggle, dance and sing the "snuggle puppy" song, talk herself to sleep, pet her puppies, pull mommy's hair (yep...still dealing with that).
photo courtesy of Jennifer

Addie is also really enjoying snuggling with her Teddy (awake & asleep).

And, as always, Addie loves Buckley...and he loves her, too.

Thanks for the Elmo jammies, Everett!

A bonus pic of handsome Buckley dog - courtesy of Jennifer

Addie & Mommy

Sunday, January 8, 2012

virginia christmas

Christmas day in Virginia was so much fun.  Auntie Sarah came to visit from Indiana and her and Nana came over on Christmas morning to open presents.

Addie really liked unwrapping her gifts!

She asked Nana for help with some of them.

She really liked the pink outfit that Auntie Sarah gave her!

A few days later, Addie took a nap with some of her new toys.

It was a good Christmas!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


We had so much fun in Roswell for the Wolfe family Christmas!  Addie loved hanging out with her cousins....she's the only girl, but she doesn't care....and neither do the boys....they are all so sweet to "baby Addie."

Me & Cooper - he tried on my Uggs and we walked all around the house in them!

Landon leaning in for a smooch.

The cousins.
A little blurry....but you try to get 5 little ones to sit perfectly still all at once!

Adeliene was baptized at Brad's family church.  We were a little concerned about a meltdown since church service was right when Addie likes to take her morning nap.  But she did awesome...enjoyed the whole thing and smiled when the pastor blessed her!  It was such a sweet service...there was even a song with Addie's name in it!

It was so awesome to have everyone together.  It doesn't happen often enough.  We love you guys!
Thanks to Stephanie for sending all of these pics!

my first baby is 7 years old.

Happy birthday to you.  Happy birthday to you.  Happy birthday dear Louie.  Happy birthday to you.

A recent photo (and a couple favs) of my first baby.

sugar and spice...

I'm in the process of packing away more of Addie's clothes that don't fit anymore...she grows so darn fast!  Most of them are basics or big deal.  But I hate it when I have to pack away a favorite.  A few that come to mind are her Mysterio tshirt, her Juicy onsie, her fuzzy pink vest...

But I can usually find some good replacements.  This super soft tshirt says "sugar and spice and everything nice.  that's what little girls are made of."  I need to start buying the favs in a few sizes so I won't be sad when their time is up!