Saturday, January 28, 2012

six months

Wow!  It's been a really long time since I've updated the blog!  Please accept my apology!

Anyway....Addie Lou turned six months old on January 26th!  Some updates:
Weight:  16lbs 7oz
Length: 25 and 1/2 inches
New food she's enjoying:  rice cereal with bananas
Things she likes to do:  sit up and play with her toys, giggle, dance and sing the "snuggle puppy" song, talk herself to sleep, pet her puppies, pull mommy's hair (yep...still dealing with that).
photo courtesy of Jennifer

Addie is also really enjoying snuggling with her Teddy (awake & asleep).

And, as always, Addie loves Buckley...and he loves her, too.

Thanks for the Elmo jammies, Everett!

A bonus pic of handsome Buckley dog - courtesy of Jennifer

Addie & Mommy

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